Follow containment has been added and allows the tool to follow the containment boundary back to the start of the cut, creating clean and closed passes. High speed Hybrid toolpaths now offer smoothing controls and deliver a finer finish, requiring less handwork. The workflow for all 3D high speed toolpaths has been streamlined and gives you fine control over exactly where to cut. This can be used for parts with thin material that may have flexed away from the tool during previous passes. Spring passes can be used to create additional finish passes with a spacing of zero between the passes. Plunge entry is supported for Dynamic Mill toolpaths, allowing you to plunge directly into material. You can also optimize finish passes based on your rough stock, giving you more efficient and safer tool motion.

This provides a safer and more optimized tool motion. Stock awareness has been added to select 2D toolpaths and allows tool motion on the top, bottom, or both values of the stock.

Here are some highlights and new functionality in Mastercam Mill: Two-dimensional high-speed toolpaths, 3D enhancements, and multi-axis features combine with dozens of additional new enhancements in a package intended to improve shop floor productivity. Tolland, Connecticut – Mastercam 2018 Mill offers expanded machining flexibility and an increased emphasis on speed and automation.