However, I do believe that you really have to get into some of the heavier type sins before this will actually happen. After studying these verses very carefully, it is my own personal opinion that a Christian can lose their salvation after having already been saved. I believe there are several verses in Scripture that really do answer this question, with one verse in particular. Others believe that God will not be mocked, and that you can lose your salvation if you get into some of the heavier and more evil types of sins.

The Bible says that we are “sealed” with the Holy Spirit at the moment of our salvation with the Lord and that nothing can break this seal, no matter how many bad and evil sins a person may commit after getting saved. Many believe that you cannot lose your salvation, no matter how many bad things you may end up doing in this life. There is major divided opinion in the Body of Christ right now on this question. Once saved, always saved? Can a Christian lose their salvation after they have truly accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior?